
How To: Keep your Facebook News Feed Clutter- free?

Your Facebook News Feed gives you a glimpse of what your friends are up to, and keeps you well informed with some interesting posts and updates from the Pages that you have liked. However , more often the relevant posts from the pages that you would really like to follow and from the people you would really like to keep in touch with, gets drowned in the flood of spammy posts from the irrelevant pages and from the people you hardly speak to. To ensure that you don’t miss out on the important stuff from the preferred pages and your network of close friends, you have to optimize your news feed and keep it clutter-free. Here are few ways to do the same.

Hide the Irrelevant Posts and People

If you find your news feed constantly cluttered with irrelevant posts from one of your Facebook friends or the Facebook pages you have liked, but you don’t want to unfriend the person or unlike the page, then you can opt to hide the post or hide all the posts from that person or page. Just click the “x” next to the post and choose the option “Hide this post” or “Hide all the Post”.

Customize your News Feed with Lists

One of the best ways to make sure you don’t miss out on updates from the significant people in your connections, is by creating lists and grouping your connections into different categories like “family”, “close friends”, “colleagues” etc. To create a list, click “Friends” option in the left sidebar, then click “Edit Friends and “Create a List.” Once you’re done with making lists, your lists would show under the “Most Recent” option on the News feed page. You can then choose any list from the drop down menu to view news only from only the people in that group.

Want to keep track of status updates from specific pages? You can put all the pages into one list and use Facebook like an RSS reader, supplying you with real-time news and updates.

Receiving posts from same people again and again? Refresh the Feed

Facebook, by default, fills your news feed with updates from people that you interact with the most, people you’re tagged with in pictures, and people you talk to more often. As a result your news feed often get filled with content from the same people, again and again. To get updates from all your friends and liked pages , just head to the “Most Recent” drop down menu at the top of your home page, choose “Edit options”, and then change it to “All of your friends and pages.”

View Posts by Category

You might want to check feed of only specific type, like only status updates from your friends, or their newly uploaded photos, devoid of updates from the pages. To view feeds of a specific category, click the “Most Recent” option on the news feed page and in the drop down menu you’ll see options to filter the feed by status updates, photos, pages, links, and more.

Clean your Facebook Profile

To reduce the complexity of customizing your Facebook feeds, and changing the visibility settings of your profile for each and every person you are connected to on the site, it’s always better to think before you ‘Friend’ someone or ‘Like’ a page. By being selective about the people you are connected to, and the pages you follow, you can save a lot of time that you might otherwise spend managing your profile and clearing the unnecessary clutter. So, make a conscious effort to clean your profile and remove irrelevant contacts and pages, gradually.